Joe the Home Pro

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Choosing the Right Home Inspector

How to Choose the Right Inspector

Buying a home is probably the most expensive purchase you'll ever make, and can be extremely stressful. You have looked at a ton of homes and think you found “the one.” So now what? Now it is time to hire a professional to inspect it. So, how do you find the right home inspector? What questions do you ask them?

More than likely, your real estate agent gave you a few people to contact to conduct your home inspection. So that is a good place to start if you have not already heard about someone from word-of-mouth or done some internet research.

Start by checking out their website (hopefully they have one) and their social media accounts. Read their reviews on Google or on their Facebook page. 

Now you need to call them and start to vet them…find out more about them. Here are some questions to ask a home inspector before your hire them:

  1. What is their experience?
  2. What certifications do they have?
  3. How many inspections have they performed?
  4. How long does an inspection take?
  5. What kinds of tools do they use?
  6. How long does it take to get the report?
  7. What is included in their inspection?
  8. Are they licensed and insured?
  9. Do they belong to InterNACHI (International Association of Certified Home Inspectors)?
  10. Should I attend the inspection?

These are just examples of some of the questions you should ask when hiring a home inspector. One thing I will never understand is someone who is purchasing a very expensive home—maybe even the single largest investment they will ever make—yet they think $350 is too much for a home inspection. When hiring a home inspector, this is NOT an area that you want to skimp on! 

A home inspector will mitigate the hidden costs and also give you peace of mind. There are so many ways to find out who will be your best fit. Do the research and ask the right questions.

Joe the Home Pro provides fully-licensed, bonded, and insured home inspections. Give Joe a call today to schedule your home inspection!

Joe Nugent, owner of Joe the Home Pro, is a certified home inspector by the state of Florida and InterNACHI. With 120+ hours of training, he is qualified to inspect homes inside and out. He also has 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry.